FUEGO a short film

Lonely, isolated and disconnected from his roots, Manolo is an Afro-Cuban man who has reached a low point in his life. But he'll find new hope after a chance meeting in the community centre where he works. A short film set in Montreal (Tio'tia:ke), Canada, in English, French and Spanish. WATCH FUEGO!
Seul, isolé et déconnecté de ses racines, Manolo est un homme afro-cubain qui a touché le fond dans sa vie. Mais il retrouvera espoir suite à une rencontre au centre communautaire dans lequel il travaille. Un court-métrage filmé à Montréal (Tio'tia:ke) , Québec, en anglais, en espagnol et en français.
Solo, aislado y desconectado de sus raíces, Manolo es un hombre afrocubano que tocó fondo en su vida. Sin embargo, Manolo va a hallar la esperanza después de un encuentro inesperado en el centro comunitario en el que trabaja. Un cortometraje filmado en Montreal (Tio'tia:ke) , Canadá, en español, francés e inglés.
Christine was selected for the WarnerMedia Access x Canadian Academy to write a feature version of Fuego in 2021.


![Lataff Laurels 2021[56]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/046e06_f08a4347069945b9ba225e3ebe00e307~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_709,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/046e06_f08a4347069945b9ba225e3ebe00e307~mv2.jpg)
Teaser for the film FUEGO
Christine Rodriguez talks about her inspirations for Fuego.

Fuego and Christine travel to Cannes! 🔥🔥🔥

Written, directed and produced by/
Écrit, réalisé et produit par/
Escrito, realisado y produjido por
Christine Rodriguez
Danny Blanco-Hall
Daniel Loyer
Davide Chiazzese
Katherine Sideris
Abena Bentley
Giovany Arteaga Valdes
Lázaro Leyva
Julio Rodríguez
Eduardo Sanchez
Arturo Zegarra
Eric Caissie
Director of Photography/Directrice de photographie/
Dirección Fotografía
Laura Torres
Art Direction and Design, Poster Design
Directrice artistique et design de l'affiche
Dirección de Arte y design de póster
Nalo Soyini Bruce
Film Editor/Montage/Edición
Juliette Crytes
Sound Director, Mixing and Editing/
Directeur et montage de son/
Dirección y Edición de Sonido
Rob Denton
Creative Consultant/Consultante créative/Consultadora creativa
Ivy Yukiko Ishihara Oldford
Musical Director and Original Music/
Directeur musicale et musique originale/
Dirección Musical y Música Original
Giovany Arteaga Valdes
FUEGO, the song/la chanson/la canción
Composed and Arranged by
Écrite et arrangée par
Escrita y arreglada por
Giovany Arteaga Valdes
Lyrics/Paroles/Letra por
Giovany Arteaga Valdes & Rusdell Nuñes
Recording/enregistrement/grabación :
Lead Vocals/Voix principale/Voz principal
Danny Blanco-Hall
Rusdell Nuñez And Adán De Dios
Bass: Jiovanni Cofiño
Congas And Percussion: Jorge Luis Papiosco
Flute: Giovany Arteaga Valdes
Piano: Willy Barreto
Timbales: Arturo Zegarra
Tres: Pablosky Rosales
Trombone: Serge Arsenault
Trumpet: Eduardo Sanchez
Prodution Manager and Assistant Director/
Chef de production et assistante à la réalisation
Jefa de Producción y Asistente de Dirección
Kiki Dranias
Production Assistant/Assistants à la production/Asistentes de Producción
Imtiyaz Bandali
Diana Luna
Camera Assistants/Assistantes à la camera/Asistentes Camera
Chloé Lafortune
Delphine Plante-Thibeault
Sound Assistant/Assistant Son/Asistente Sonido
Eric Caissie
Marie-Andrée Brière
Assistant Art Director/Assistante aux décors/Asistente de Dirección de Arte
Courtney Moses Corbin
Costume Assistants/Assistantes costumes/Asistentes Disfraces
Marie-Andrée Brière
Christine Rodriguez
Color Mixing/Colorisation
Pablo Perugorria-Del Gesso
Diana Luna
Christine Rodriguez
Ralph Rosefort
Danny Blanco-Hall, The Black Ink Family, Lludmila Paulino, Tania Giampetrone (Reisler Talent), the technical team for their generous support and endless patience, the cast for their complete dedication and commitment, Giovany Arteaga Valdes for creating and recording the song Fuego as well as pulling together the musical performers for the film, and the musicians for their infinite professionalism and contribution.
This project was filmed in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal situated on the traditional territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka people. The land was also a diplomatic meeting place with other Iroquoians and Algonquians including Algonquin-Anishinaabe, Atikamekw, and Huron-Wendat. We acknowledge that we are located on a land that has been the site of human creativity and story-telling for thousands of years, and are thankful that we are able to live, create, collaborate and work here.